La Rocca Ballroom

La Rocca Ballroom

La Rocca Ballroom

92 Avenue des Coccinelles 1170

In 1988 we decided to open a new club unlike any other club in Belgium.\nFrom our own extensive Party & Nightlife experience we decided right from the start that we would not be going for the fast buck. We wanted to create a club, a decor and an atmosphere where all the right ingredients for a great night out would and should be available.\nWe got together an excellent team of DJ's, party-organisers and decorators just to make sure every night is a true fiesta.\n\nOver the years we have been rewarded by the great number of people who have become dedicated and loyal La Rocca clients.\nAnd, with a great deal of pride, we can tell you that this had led to incredible parties (you should see our photo-album : it's crazy!).\n\nLa Rocca is definitely more than just a night out, it is an experience ...\n\nAN EXPERIENCE YOU SHOULD NOT MISS !
  • 03-489.17.67

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  • routebeschrijving

    Avenue des Coccinelles , 92 - 1170 Watermael-Boitsfort


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