Top 10 recipes that will make you like Brussels sprouts

La saison du chou de Bruxelles bat son plein. Nous avons donc décidé de mettre le paquet pour vous permettre de profiter pleinement de ce petit légume...
The season of the Brussels sprouts is almost over. So we decided to give you the possibility to fully enjoy this little green vegetable, which costs only 1,50€ a kilo! From starter to dessert, you will have plenty of opportunities to enjoy them trully. Some recipes below are in English, others in French.
No better idea to make your children eat Brussels sprouts than to camouflage them as their favorite sweets...
Chips (as in crisps) : Pluck the leaves off of the vegetables to make chips (crisps) out of them. The American TV host Martha Stewart suggests putting them in the oven. Enhanced with a little lemon zest, some nuts and a pinch of salt, children will devour them whole.
Muffin (or mini pies) : "Children. I made some delicious muffins !" Of course, they're salty and I hid a surprise ingredient in them, but shhhuuuuttt! This you can tell them later. Or never. You never know if you still want to make the recipe again.
Lollipop : "Who wants a lollipop?" Basically, a little stick with a green ball on it, stuffed with cheese and rapped in a slice of bacon... NO ONE will resist it.
Brussels sprouts soup
You know countless types of soup. Here's a new one: a Brussels sprouts soup. What a great way to get better when you're sick than have a delicious green soup.
Main courses
Pizza : Have you ever tried the "cavoletto di Bruxelles" on a pizza della Mamma. Martha Stewart, again, suggests a pizza with Brussels sprouts.
Sprout stoemp : This is probably the most "Brusselised" recipe of this article. The stoemp ! This ideal winter meal combines Brussels sprouts, potatoes and bacon in a delicous purée that will perfectly go with your sausage, meatloaf or any other meat.
With bear and a hint of mustard: as a good Brusseleir that you are or have become, you will be glad to learn that there is (of course) a reciped combining Brussels sprouts and beer. The little green aliens will have to simmer in beer for an hour, but the wait will be worth it.
Caramelised with maple: You've read that correctly. Now here's a recipe that is extremely simple, but will be just as easily remembered by all who eat it. Sprouts split in two and rapped in caramelised maple sirup. YUMMY! Now that's a great side dish to offer to your guests, or even as an aperitif...
Sprout bread : Mix the famouse sprouts with chocolate and you'll get a dessert you won't forget any time soon. This recipe is from our cousins in Quebec and is signed by Créations LesGumes.
Carrot Cake : no need to introduce the famous carrot cake, but next time you make it, try it out with some Brussels sprouts as well. The mix goes perfectly. This creation is signed Felice Tocchini, an Italian chef who has mastered the art of making sprouts appreciated by the subjects of the Queen of England.
Measurement converter
Do you want to try one of these reciped, but the measurements are unknown to you? Here's a very practicale tool to help you convert length, temperature, weight, volume, etc.
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