Tips to take care of your glasses!

Keep them carefully
Your glasses have to be respected. Take good care of them! Don't forget them in your bag, in your pocket, on your head or left on the glass side. Always keep them in their box. They will be protected against scratches, dust and shocks. Take care of your frames. Always take it off with two hands to not bend the arms. Take them off before getting dresses or undressed!
A cleaning in order
Clean frequently your glasses and your 'frame together. Use special solution for glasses. A little bit of dish liquid soap and warm water will help you out too. Protect them against 'useless attacks. Don't use a tissue, a sweater, an hand towel to dry them up. It's better to use a 'microfibre soft. Clean frequently your box too: take off the glasses and suck up the dust.
Not to hot
'Do not expose your glasses to high temperatures. Don't let them close to a heater and don't forget them in your car with sun shining right through them because the frames could be damaged.
Be careful at the beach
Grains of sand go everywhere! If you 'are not careful, your glasses will be scratched 'very quickly.
Ask your optician to take care of them frequently
Twice a year, go see your optician to make him adjust your frames and to make him clean them perfectly.

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