The Hard Shell @ AB

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 08 Jan 2008, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
The Hard Shell @ AB
Quite simply unique, this collaboration between DJ SHADOW & CUT CHEMIST, or, shall we say, the most cutting edge hip hop DJs from California. Their latest show (and soon to appear album/DVD) 'The Hard Sell' is a logical continuation of earlier collaborations, such as 'Brainfreeze' (from '99, only 2000 copies pressed) and 'Product Placement' (from '01, only 6000 copies pressed).

During the performance of 'The Hard Sell' there are no less than 8 turntables on stage; only singles /45s are played; there are two guitar pedals (with loops) and a host of impressive visuals. Musically, the boys are exploring new paths: from rap mixed with fiddle, doo-wop mixed with new wave, and a good dose of psychedelics. Of, finally: to put in the words of DJ SHADOW himself: 'We want to play something to make everyone smile... and then send them running for the exits!'

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