PermaFungi ecology. PermaFungi for a greener world.

Explain that Brusselslife has found PermaFungi.
Are you concerned about the environment and want to respect our beautiful blue planet? PermaFungi is there for you. Many projects are set up by this cooperative with a social purpose located in Brussels, in order to reduce our impact on pollution.
Recycled products to guarantee nature in your home
First of all, PermaFungi sells you products made from recycled materials, you can see all their products on their shop on their official website. PermaFungi also offers to vary its sales by proposing you also corporate gifts. You should also know that the organic oyster mushrooms made by this company are sold in several places that sell organic food.
Transparency reigns with PermaFungi
PermaFungi also offers guided tours of its production facilities, which last for an hour, so that you can see behind the scenes. This shows that PermaFungi trusts its customers and that they are totally honest in their approach, so you can trust them completely. To see these workshops you need to go to the Tour et Taxis website.
PermaFungi cares about you and your future
Also on the programme, job and internship offers, which is very important, it could define your future by working in a field you love. This company wants to expand to offer an even more comprehensive project. If you want to create your own business, PermaFungi offers training so that you can develop your project in a profitable way.
All this illustrates the versatility and commitment of this environmentally friendly brand. Now that you know PermaFungi, surf on their website to learn more about this company !
You too can contribute to the well-being of our environment by doing something that is not harmful to our Earth.

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