MIA 2022. Made in Asia 2022

Explain that Made in Asia is back and that the festival will last 3 days.
Goku, Naruto, Luffy, if you are a fan of Japanese culture and more particularly of manga, these names will not leave you indifferent. You will be able to find at the Made in Asia all your favourite works and heroes that will be highlighted during this event. The fair is primarily aimed at fans of Asian culture, but it can still be interesting even for people who do not really follow this movement. We will present the show in detail and explain why you should go there.
Cosplay in the spotlight for a cheap event
First of all, the made in asia is like the comic-con, you can go in costume as your favourite character from the Asian culture, nobody judges you, everybody is in a festive and fun atmosphere. The cosplay is a specificity of this festival and a must to have fun. We would like to inform you that there are currently special offers on tickets for this festival until April 7th. You will pay 13.50 euros instead of 15 euros for Friday, 17.50 euros instead of 19 euros for Saturday and 15.50 euros instead of 18 euros for Sunday. To extend your pleasure, you will have to count on 30 euros for the weekend ticket which is valid for Saturday and Sunday, while for the whole festival you will have to pay 42 euros. The price/quality ratio is therefore more than correct. In addition, you will see so much on site and you will be able to take part in a multitude of activities.
Made in Asia, the ogre of activities
As far as activities are concerned, there will be gaming with tournaments, great exhibitions dedicated to essential works, escape rooms, activities dedicated to Club Dorothée anime and many other surprises. Cosplay contests are also there to liven up the event. Not only pop culture will be present at Made in Asia, or "MIA" for those who know it well. Indeed, two districts will be present, one of them is called "Little Asia" and will offer you all these things to do: initiation to Japanese calligraphy, Go game, Mahjong, shadow puppets, Mandarin origami workshop, Japanese language courses, among others. The first goal is to make you travel while staying in Brussels, and learn more about the Asian culture which is very interesting and rich. If you like to dance, the second area set up by made in asia will allow you to move to Kpop choreographies. The "Korean alley" highlights South Korea and contains the following programme: KPop, discovering traditional Korean cuisine, learning about the latest cosmetic products from K-Beauty or trying on traditional Korean dresses called Hanbok.
The festival that makes you meet the stars in the best possible way
You've already had your fill of reading about the MIA programme, but there's more to come. You'll be meeting guests who will be Japanese artists of your favourite works, youtubers, musical artists and professional cosplayers who will all be there to give you signing sessions. You don't even need to bring anything to get it signed, the fair is providing free signing materials for you to fill as much as possible.
Shopping at the MIA
Finally, during the festival, you will have the possibility to buy items such as figurines, video games or board games which will be found in the various shops present on the premises.
As you can see, Made in Asia is full of different themes and does not only target manga fans, you have the opportunity to practice tons of activities and to have fun during these three days of pure madness. For all the information you need, here is the official website of the show: https://www.madeinasia.be/fr/.
All you have to do is buy your tickets and come to MIA 2022.
Enjoy the festival and we will conclude in the most appropriate way possible with the theme we mentioned, KameHameHa !

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