The crepe, an institution Everything you need to know about pancakes:

As it is Candlemas, we are writing this article to help you celebrate it in the best possible way.
Everything you need to know about the crêpe:
With brown sugar, chocolate, whipped cream, without filling, the ways to enjoy a delicious crepe vary so many possibilities thanks to its clever and practical shape. That's why we've written this article to tell you about its history, why we celebrate it, and why on February 2nd. As promised at the end of this article you will know how to make good pancakes.
First of all, where does this simple but effective dish come from? There are different traditions and beliefs related to Candlemas. But its origin is Roman, in fact, on February 15, polytheistic believers paraded through the streets, torches in hand, to honour the god Pan who is the Greqcue and Roman god of nature. We are therefore celebrating a festival that has a pagan and Latin tradition. The word Candlemas comes from the name candles, and this festival was also previously known as Chandeleuse. In 473, the meaning of Candlemas changed, as the Catholic religion was dominant in the West at that time. Pope Gelasius I decided to keep this tradition but to Christianise it. Candlemas thus became the day of the presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 40 days after Christmas. Candles are then blessed as a sign of purification during the celebration. There are several superstitions surrounding the pancake. One of them is to hold a gold coin in the left hand while blowing the first pancake with the right hand. If the pancake falls correctly, you will have good luck with money for the whole year. A variant of this first one also exists and pushes the principle further, this same pancake is then placed on the bedroom cupboard, the gold coin inside, until the following year. At the next Candlemas, the coin was given to the first poor person they met. In other regions, farmers threw a pancake over a cupboard to ensure a good harvest.
Today the superstitions have disappeared but the pancakes have remained. Whether sweet, savoury, vanilla or beer pancakes, everyone can find a pancake to suit their taste. And there are as many different recipes as there are ways to eat them. So here's an easy recipe to make your own pancake batter, with this one you'll have about 15 pancakes in total).
Here are the ingredients you need:
300g flour
3 whole eggs
3 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of oil
50 g melted butter
60 cl milk
5 cl of rum
For the preparation you need :
Step 1:
Put the flour in a bowl and make a well.
Step 2:
Add the whole eggs, sugar, oil and butter.
Step 3:
Mix gently with a whisk, adding the milk as you go. The resulting dough should have the consistency of a slightly thick liquid.
Step 4:
Flavour with rum.
Step 5:
Heat a non-stick pan and oil it very lightly. Pour a ladleful of batter into the pan, spread it around and wait until it is cooked on one side before turning it over. Cook all the pancakes in this way over a low heat. There is also a Brussels variant to this one, you need to add a little beer to your batter and you will get a beautiful Brussels crepe.
Now, the pancake has no more secrets for you and we only have to wish you a good appetite and an excellent tasting.
Recipe source:

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