Each face has its own glasses

Buy glasses is the opportunity to assert your personality! Be careful with the choice of your frames. The shape and color will give you your own style.
Face's shape
You have to pick the glasses which will 'moderate your face. Round frames on round face will make the curves worse. Then, rectangular or jagged frames will balance the face's shape and will have a 'slimming effect on it. On the opposite, on a square face, round or oval frames will reduce the strict lines of this morphology. Elongated faces will balance the square faces even if 'in these cases, every kind of styles are possible. Too big frames do not match with triangular faces , but they will 'look their best with thin frames. Optician suggest butterfly frames to old people, in order to raise face's lines.
The color of your frames are also really important. But once again, if you want to make the best of your face with new glasses, be careful! For example, green color is really difficult, it doesn't suit to a lot of people. But you may choose red color which is very dynamic. Blond hair should go for dark colors which will reinforce your face's lines.
There are also 'other factors that have to be taken: your way you dress, your eyes color, your skin complexion. Ask your optician for more informations.

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