BrusselsLife with Christian De Coninck

Nightlife & Parties
Written by BrusselsLife Team - 17 Jun 2007, 00:00 (Updated: 21 Jun 2013, 12:23)
BrusselsLife with Christian De Coninck
Christian De Coninck is an inveterate "Brusselser". Born in the French hospital, he spent his childhood in the family home, in Avenue Broustin, Jette. But he adored strolling downtown, around Avenue Louise or Rue Neuve. That's where his social and cultural life unfolded.

He wouldn't have missed St Nicolas's Day procession, in the centre, for all the tea in China, and the Bouglione Circus in Flagey remains is one of his indelible memories. Above all, when it was in the downtown area, he always managed to pass in front of 30, Rue Marché au Charbon: the central police station is still there today. There were the "lovely police cars", and policemen invited him in from time to time. But his mother told him: "Never ever go in there, because if you do, it's because you've been naughty!" And yet, when 22-years-old, he did go into 30, Rue Marché au Charbon. After a few years of good and faithful service, he becomes a Police Officer. Today, he is the spokesman of the Brussels-Ixelles area police force, and plays his role with passion and devotion. One day, one of life's accidents forced to him to take extended leave. Then, rather than twiddling his thumbs during his withdrawal to Coxyde, he started to write. And that led to a novel, published a few week ago (De Praagse Connectie, The Prague Connection, not yet out in French). The scenario is just what one might expect from such an author: a Brussels Police Officer is working on local research, and witnesses, when away for the weekend, a plane crash at Coxyde. Coincidence: when he returns from his weekend, his "guvner" gives him the job of finding out about the pilot, who lives in Brussels-Ixelles police area. It's the beginning of an epic thriller that will take the police hero in hot pursuit of dangerous gangsters, between Prague and Amsterdam.... Matthieu Lethé

Tof or not...

Your most tof district in Brussels ? The centre of the town is definitely the best one. Let?s not forget that all the events happen there, but also at the Sablon, the Louise district or the Osseghem park. If you had to show Brussels to a foreign, where would you to take him firstly? The City hall, of course. You have to make him see the unique paintings of the Senne under the blue sky and the gothic room with its frescos on the ceiling. It is really wonderful! What is the most tof in Brussels? What makes you stay and not want to move anymore from Brussels? Nothing is too far, one doesn?t really need a car because everything is at hand. What is really not tof in Brussels? What you don't like at Brussels? Obviously, that's the other side of the coin. Brussels is a big city, a metropolis. Life goes on very fast, the rhythm is very intense. There's too much noise in it. That's why I need to breathe some fresh air, to take a break of some couple of days in my favorite place: Coxyde. Tell us if this idea is a tof one or not ? -A floating pool on the watercourse? It is a good idea. To ban the access of the cars in the centre of the town? It is difficult to answer by yes or no as it is a very complex problem. There are fors and again and we can't answer without making a study in detail. No more smoking inside restaurants and pubs? This doesn't bother me. In fact, it?s pretty well for the restaurants as it is true that smoking might bother the neighbors while eating. They could do the same for the pubs but it's true that is less annoying? Prohibition of the frit-kots ?No way! Who had this idea? Are you kidding or what?

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