Art and Music from Israël

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 02 Nov 2008, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
Art and Music from Israël
For the 60st anniversary of the State of Israel and in the frame of the 2008 Israeli cultural season, the non-profit organization "Les XXI" and "Cook & Book" present Art and Musics from Israel.

From 28th October to 25th November, Wolubilis will welcome three concerts, the exhibition "Works on Iron" together with a literary dinner. Events organized among cultural diversity, in the spirit of a euro-mediterranean dialogue, that will reflect the extraordinary richness of the musical and artistical israeli world. The non-profit organization "Les XXI", cultural association managed by Dr Yves Jacques, also defends the concept of a humanitarian art and often support projects and association who take charge of the most sensitive of this society: children.

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