2012 retrospective

Sports & Leisure
Written by BrusselsLife Team - 06 Jan 2013, 00:00 (Updated: 09 Jan 2013, 16:16)
2012 retrospective
It’s with a heavy heart that we leave the year 2012 but it’s time to move to new adventures: shows, tips, major events… Before putting behind us these 12 last months and throwing ourselves headlong into the future, let’s go through the big moments that have made “Bruxellians” thrill in 2012 …

January :: Brrr

The year of gastronomy opens, the Tram Experience meets a great success. Don’t worry, the Tram will still be in service in 2013.

February :: Fla Gel

Brussels is freezing. Manneken Pis even stops urinating for a while to prevent cystitis ! Place Flagey is transformed into a work of art. Thanks Fla Gel ; ) At the Oscars, The Artist gets awarded and receives in particular the Oscar of the best original music. Recorded music by Belgian orchestras in Flagey

March :: Binge drinking with Vedett

“Shit Bruxellians say” makes the buzz on Youtube and social networks.

April :: SpringTime

In April, nature claims its rights : the Royal Greenhouses in Laeken open their doors and a pair of baby falcons hatches on the top of the St Gudule cathedral.


May :: Don’t shake like a leaf!

Sport galore. You’d better not shake like a leaf to walk on the slackline between the spheres of the Atomium ! Back on terra firma. At the end of the month, they were 25.000 to launch themselves through the streets of Brussels  for its traditional marathon . And after the effort, time to relax and refresh yourself at the first edition of the Teaworld rendez-vous. More than just a Tea Fair, this event is a meeting place for Tea lovers! The second edition has been announced for May 2013. In the meantime, get tempted for a cup of tea

June :: Football

Summer is back ! Europe lives and breathes football. The Roller Parade is back in the streets of Brussels. Dinner in the Sky brings your palate to heaven. Scared of heights? Small bladders? Forget it! 

July :: Closed tunnels

Holidays start with a closure: the Brussels tunnels! Even the prayers of the Madonne at the Stade Roi Baudouin won’t help it.  On the 25th, a police horse did a bit of sightseeing in the Merode tube station after his rider fell on the ground. The Brusselslife Café opens in doors for the summer !

August :: Carpet Flower

The Brussels version of the Hard Rock Café opens in a patrician house on the most beautiful square of the world. Already got your tshirt? Like every two years, the magical Flower Carpet embellishes the Grand Place around the 15th of August. The athletic tourists make the most of their holidays by discovering the city while running thanks to the Brussels Sightjogging.

September :: DJ Usain

Back from London, les Van Alphen, Borlée & Co are the big names of the Memorial Van Damme ending with a Dj-set performed by Usain Bolt. Every week-end is like the one before : super-busy ! The Heritage days, Car free Sunday, Ballon's Day Parade... 

October :: Elections

Ballot papers fall into voting boxes like leaves from the trees. In Woluwé, Benoît Cerexhe has a go at making his own lipdub to conquer the voters … While waiting for the results, sushi for everyone ! Ecolo takes power at Watermael sending back the FDF in the opposition. In Auderghem, Didier Gosuin gave the greens tit for tat by allying with SAMEN. Christian Grétry’s back flip into the Rouge Cloître ponds will therefore have been useless …

November :: Damn Christmas tree !

The Grand Place Christmas tree will be electronic: everybody gets nuts! This issue needed clarification: our article on the Christmas-tree gate was widely cheered. On the food side, the Va Doux Vent joins the galaxy of the Michelin-starred Brussels restaurants.

December :: End of the World

Our tips to survive the end of the world turn out to be unnecessary. On the 22nd of December, the inhabitants of Brussels wake up alive and ready to dive into 2013. The Terracotta soldiers remain unmoved by all this excitement.

In 2012, the number of stolen bicycles has unfortunately not diminished.  In 2013, your duty is to act as a good citizen... BrussselsLife.be's editorial team



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