Full Circle TeenTalks: Ruth Wodak - Talk Linguistics (EN)

26 avr. 2018 - 26 avr. 2018

Full Circle TeenTalks: Ruth Wodak - Talk Linguistics (EN)

Désolé, ce contenu n'est pas disponible dans French

Donald Trump shook the world when he was elected President of the United
States. But how did he do it? Politics and linguistics expert Ruth Wodak
will be looking at the persona of ‘authentic simple man’ that Trump
created to win over American voters. Ruth will be showing how Trump is in
fact an entertainer who carefully crafts both what he says and the way he
speaks to please his audience.

Come and listen to how right-wing politicians use personality to distort
the truth. By looking at the speeches of politicians in both Europe and
America, Ruth suggests ways we can fight the far-right extremist parties
that threaten the politics of today.

Join this TeenTalk for a fascinating look into the mechanisms behind
Trump’s success.


Ruth Wodak is an Austrian linguist, Emeritus Distinguished Professor and
Chair in Discourse Studies at Lancaster University, and Professor in
Linguistics at the University of Vienna. Her research interests focus on
discourse studies, identity politics, racism, antisemitism and other forms
of discrimination, and on ethnographic methods of linguistic field work.

_NL - De verkiezing van Trump verraste de hele wereld. Politiek en
linguïstisch expert Ruth Wodak toont hoe rechtse politici middels hun
persoonlijkheid de waarheid naar hun hand zetten, en suggereert manieren om
extremisme tegen te gaan. Luister en debatteer mee._

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