White Chamber // 36th BIFFF

05 Apr 2018 - 05 Apr 2018

White Chamber // 36th BIFFF

The United Kingdom. Soon. Britain is in a civil war as the State battles rebel militia for power. A woman wakes up in a blindingly white cuboid room: the White Chamber. A voice from the outside demands information, but she claims to have none. To gain the answers he seeks, her captor utilizes the gruesome functionality of the White Chamber as an instrument of torture. The temperature within the space shifts between the extremes; water, acid and even electricity fire out of the floor and ceiling. The woman’s mind, body and soul are pushed to their limit. The woman begins to talk to her captor… but is she just surviving or does she know more?

The dystopian White Chamber is an elevated genre hybrid combining sci-fi, thriller, horror and drama elements, while taking Milgram’s controversial social psychology experiments to a new level. White Chamber is 25-year-old Paul Rashid’s second movie after Servants’ Quarters from 2016. As your damsel in distress, we give you no one other than Shauna Macdonald (The Descent, Howl, Nails) trapped in one of the most stressful contraptions ever.
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Palais des Beaux-Arts - BOZAR

Palais des Beaux-Arts - BOZAR

23 Rue Ravenstein 1000

It’s impossible to talk about culture in Belgium without mentioning the Centre for Fine Arts located in Brussels. Whether it comes to exhibitions, concerts, theater performances, movies or projects concerning literature and architecture, BOZAR will always put originality and innovation first. They prove to keep a finger on the pulse with their varied and sophisticated programme. Besides emphasizing the importance of creation, quality and a rich artistic offering, BOZAR is especially concerned about the total experience of the visitors.

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