Weekend in Frise

Endless fields, a few typical farms, sandy soil reclaimed from the sea and towns with a picturesque charm: welcome to Friesland. At the northern point of the Netherlands, around 400 km from Brussels, Friesland is one of the most unusual Dutch provinces. Very attached to tradition, the Frisian population has managed to maintain the usage of the Frisian language, acknowledged as the country's second official language.
Enjoy water-sports on the beaches in Friesland, enjoy long walks in the Wadden Isles with unique flora in the Netherlands and sunbathe on the fine sandy beaches. A car-free zone, Schiermonnikoog is the smallest of the Wadden Isles. As soon as you step off the boat, get on your pushbike and ride through the endless sand dunes. (www.schiermonnikoog.net) On Terschelling, you must visit the "brandaris", the world's oldest lighthouse.
Back to dry land. After observing the seals in the wild on the Wadden Isles, discover the zeehondencreche at Pieterburen: it's the place where all injured and sick seals found along the coast are brought for treatment. Placed in quarantine upon arrival, the baby seals are monitored, treated and pampered before gradually being returned to their natural habitat. (www.zeehondencreche.nl)
But you cannot leave Friesland without paying a visit to the many historical towns that are present on its soil. Former ports, Dokkum, Leuwarden, Workum and also Harlingen have all maintained an impressive appearance. A cultural town rendered famous due to the assassination of bishop Bonifatius, Dokkum with its canals is really worth a visit (www.dokkum.nl).