Single? Manage your Valentine's day with Jane

13 Feb 2013 - 13 Feb 2013

Single? Manage your Valentine's day with Jane

This year, Judy has decided to stop listening to the Celine Dion's most famous song on the Valentine's day evening! This song is 'All By Myself', that's obvious and sad! Okay, this behaviour is now over because Judy won't be 'all by herself anymore'... On the contrary, she is going to laugh a lot, a lot!

The dating website

Single peeps, you are free to do what you want... And it begins on the Valentine's day evening. About Judy, she has decided to take the leap: according to her cousin Julie, she should join a dating website! Julie said this is not only for old desperate people: one of her friends has met the perfect man... online! True story. Judy didn't hesitate and signed up! Because anyway, there will never be bad consequences. Hey, why not?

Speed dating

What is it again? A good way for to increase the chances of quickly meeting the man of her heart. So, Julie took her to a speed dating. Quick and useful: short meetings. Just enough time to see if there is a connection with John, Pol or Peter...

Out with friends

After having used seduction for the spee dating, Judy has won some hearts! But she couldn't make a choice, that's why she chose the reliable evening with friends. Because as a single person, you can do whaterver you want! Olivia Regout

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