Typh Barrow
19 Dec 2020 - 19 Dec 2020
BUY YOUR TABLE WITH APERO BUY YOUR TRIBUNE TICKETS Awainting the "ALOHA" tour report in May 2021, Typh Barrow comes to Palais 12 for a special representation as part of the "Mini-Covid-Tour"
Palais 12 - Avenue de Miramar Avenue de Miramar 1020 Laeken 1020 Laeken
Awainting the "ALOHA" tour report in May 2021, Typh Barrow comes to Palais 12 for a special representation as part of the "Mini-Covid-Tour".
This show will take place in a formal respect of the security measures of the National Council of security. The perfect occasion to live a unique and safe experience.
1. THE APERO-DINNER PACKAGE - 55 € per person
This package includes :
A ticket at a table for 2 or 4, to enjoy the night with your bubble ;
An aperitive glass ;
A singer with his piano for the opening of the night ;
The Typh Barrow concert ;
Appetizers are available in supply (preorder only) ;
Wearing a mask is only required when moving, according to the horeca rules.
2. THE BALCONY PACKAGE - 45 € per person
This package includes :
A place on the balcony. There will be empty seats between two bubbles of participants ;
The Typh Barrow concert ;
Wearing a mask is required during the whole event.
Depuis la sortie de son album RAW arrivé n°1 des ventes et unanimement salué par la critique, Typh Barrow ne cesse de faire parler d’elle et s’impose comme une artiste incontournable. Artiste complète (auteur-compositeur, musicienne et interprète exceptionnelle), l’interprète de Taboo est assurément l’une des plus belles voix de la scène belge.