
08 Aug 2016 - 08 Aug 2016


The legend

There are many versions of the Meyboom legend. Here is one of them: In 1213, the people of Brussels that were celebrating a marriage had repelled an attack by the people of Louvain. Their victory was celebrated with great fanfare by planting a “tree of joy” or a maypole. Since then, Brussels continues the tradition because if the tree is not planted before 5 pm the 9th of August, the upperhand is given to the people of Louvain.

How to celebrate Meyboom right

Here is the Brussels recipe for success:

Take one bunch of jolly fellows, the companions of St. Lawrence, preferably with the local accent. Add a musical touch with the brass band of Meyboom and season with 7 giants from Brussels just for flavor. Select the carriers. Choose a tree, a young beech preferably. Present the tree to the people starting from Rue des Sables.

Be careful not to drag your feet too much, because if the tree is not planted by 5 pm, the dish will be ruined, and the curse will come crashing down on the city.

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