Literary evening Bernard Van Orley

15 May 2019 - 16 Nov 2057

Literary evening Bernard Van Orley

Writers guide you through the exhibition

Writers guide you through the exhibition

With: Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Myriam Leroy, Jeroen Olyslaegers, Vamba Sherif, Max UraiAuthors engage in dialogue with the works of Bernard van Orley. They look deep into the eyes of his figures and allow them to tell their stories. Let these texts be your guide during this exclusive nocturne.Ubah Cristina Ali Farah (1973) is a Brussels-based Italian-Somali writer. In 2006, she won the Lingua Madre National Literary Prize. Her novel Madre piccola (2007) was awarded the prestigious Vittorini Prize and has been translated into Dutch and English under the title Little Mother (2011). She is currently writing a libretto based on stories found in Matera (European Capital of Culture 2019).Myriam Leroy (1982) is a French-speaking Belgian author who lives in Brussels. She is a journalist, playwright and novelist. Her first play, Cherche L'Amour, created in the Théâtre de la Toison d'Or, was awarded the best author prize at the 2017 Prix de la Critique. In 2018 her first novel, Ariane (Editions Don Quichotte), finished second in the Prix Goncourt for a first novel. She is a regular guest on the cultural radio broadcast Entrez sans frapper on La Première (RTBF).Jeroen Olyslaegers (1967) lives and works in Antwerp. He writes columns, plays and prose. His novel WIL (2016) has won numerous literary awards and has been translated into seven languages. In 2014 he was awarded the Ark Prize of the Free Word for his work and social engagement.Vamba Sherif (1973) was born in Liberia and spent his childhood in Kuwait and Syria. He has written a variety of novels, including The Black Napoleon, The Kingdom of Sebah and The Land of my Fathers. His work is published in several languages, including Dutch, French, German and Spanish. He is also known for the anthology Zwart. Afro-Europese literatuur uit de Lage Landen (Black. Afro-European Literature from the Low Countries).Max Urai (1991) lives and works in Leiden. Alongside writing fiction and essays he makes programmes at the Amsterdam poetry house Perdu, is part of the editorial team of Tijdschrift Ei, writes reviews for De Reactor and stares at the wall...
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Literary evening Bernard Van Orley

15 May 2019 - 16 Nov 2057

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