Exploration du monde
31 Aug 2013 - 30 May 2014

This formula is why EXPLO has enjoyed years of success. This concept has evolved over time and now offers high quality films, projected in theaters chosen for the quality of their audio visual equipment as well as their suitability for interaction between the audience and the speaker.
Subscription action
Sign up before June 30th at a promotional price and you will also receive a free DVD ! All you need to do is send an email at [email protected].
Exploration du Monde in a few numbers
- Almost 650 showings in one season, between september and may
- About 70 venues in Brussels and Wallonia
- More than 150.000 spectators in total per season
- 7 films in the “Grand Cycle”
- 4 films in the “Cycle Découvertes” (Discovery Cycle)
To know more about the films projected and the dates, consult the calendar.