Europalia Romania
02 Oct 2019 - 02 Feb 2020
An international arts festival in the heart of Europe
Divers lieux en Belgique - Divers lieux en Belgique 1000 Bruxelles 1000 Bruxelles
EUROPALIA organise depuis 1969 des biennales d'art dédiées à différents pays invités. A chaque édition, un programme multidisciplinaire présente quatr...
Since 1969, EUROPALIA has been organizing art biennales around changing host countries. For four months, a multidisciplinary programme presents hundreds of artistic events throughout Belgium and other European countries. EUROPALIA addresses a broad European audience with exhibitions as well as performing arts, music, literature, conferences and cinema. Both renowned artists and up-and-coming talent play an important role. In addition to heritage, the festival also focuses on the contemporary art scene, with particular attention to new creations and exchanges between artists from the host country and Europe. In its events, EUROPALIA also attends to young people and tries to offer insights that are free of Eurocentrism. The festival encourages an open dialogue between cultures.