Europalia India Indomania @ Bozar
15 Oct 2013 - 25 Jan 2014
Indomania tells the story of a passion for India shared by many artists. Painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, filmmakers and musicians with an aesthetic admiration and intellectual curiosity for this country.
For the first time, the works of these artists will be brought together, from Rembrandt to Rauschenberg, over Rodin and Cartier-Bresson to Pasolini. At the request of Europalia, a number of contemporary artists will also visit India to be inspired for new artworks that will be shown in the exhibition.
Around 250 objects :
paintings, drawings, sculptures, textiles, jewellery, films, photographs, from the time of Alexander the Great until today.
Some masters :
Rembrandt, Gustave Moreau, Auguste Rodin, Pier Paulo Pasolini, Roberto Rossellini, Henri Cartier-Bresson,… Artists to whom an order was given for the residences in India: Hans Op de Beeck, Max Pinckers, …
Top collections :
British Museum, British Library, Victoria & Albert Museum, Louvre, Musée Guimet, Musée Rodin, Centre Pompidou, Fondation Custodia…