Dress Codes


Dress Codes

The reassuring thing is that it works both ways in that someone in an Armani suit will stick out in Fuse or in Structure Béton just as much as a someone in wide jeans and trainers will in At Seven or Jeux d'Hiver. Apart from trying to avoid trouble, nightclubs decide who can come in not based so much on how much money people seem to have as on the general impression they make. Someone whose look might make the clubbers already there feel uncomfortable will probably be turned away. And we've seen overly stylish customers turned away at the entrance to an underground evening. It's rare but it has happened. Moving on from people's look, as far as the author of this article is aware there don't seem to have been any racial problems at the entrance to top nightclubs for around ten years or so now. Anyone with the right appearance and/or attitude for the particular nightclub will be able to get in without any untoward questions being asked.

Chic & glamour

Chic & glamorous look, Dolce and Gabbanah, Dior and Gucci ... sexy or straightforward outfit Above all no streetwear: Louise Gallery, Le You, Le Jeux d'Hiver (rebuilt), B.Club in Braine, Mezza in Braine, Le Belga Queen café, At Seven, La Villa Lorraine, ...

very fashion

Very fashion-conscious look, clubbing, Ibiza, or sexy, no streetwear: Mad Club, Le You, La Démence gay, Strong gay, La Rocca à Lier (near Antwerp), l'H2O à Pecq (Tournai)

Very, very, very classic

Very classic look (pullover, ordinary trousers, ordinary shoes) or understated, not too showy or too urban (above all no streetwear) not too sexy: Le Cactus d'Auderghem, le Number One de Kraainem, le Jeux d'Hiver, la Mezza in Braine, Chez Johnny (Disco Pogo), and a little more kitsch with authentic 80s disco music is a little place called Nostalgia.

R'n'B fashion

R'n'B fashion look or sexy, stylish, no streetwear: Studio 44, Club 7 (Brupark), Butterfly au Louise Gallery on Fridays ** outside Brussels: City Queens in Vooruit de Gand, Couleurs d'Anvers au De Cinema in Antwerp, Mondial in Maastricht (Holland, near Liège).

Relaxed, cool ... but without going over the top

Relaxed, cool, free look, jeans and trainers, but without going over the top: Fuse, Bulex, Crema e Gusto, Next, Café Central, Beursschouwburg, cafe Belga, Tavernier, Statik Dancin, Soixante bar, Dali's bar, soirées Nemo, soirées P3P au Boaz, ... ** outside Brussels: Soundstation in Liège, Bar Tabac in Antwerp, Petrol club in Antwerp, Fataal jeudi in Leuven, Zoo in Hasselt, Hangar 1 in Ostend.

Cool but trendy

Cool look that's taken some time to put together, a bit more trendy, electropunky Fuse, Dirty Dancing at Mirano (Saturday), Mad Club, Soixante bar, Next, Nemo soirées, Popzero soirées, Hot Couture events, ... ** outside Brussels: Café d'Anvers on Saturdays, Culture Club on Saturdays in Ghent, Body to Body soirées in Ghent, Beat'n'Bass soirées in Liège

Completely free

Completely free look, troll, hippie, punky, etc ... or even everyday look, everyone. Kultuurkaffee, Structure Béton, Magasin 4, Ric's boat, Boat Eliane, Le Gazon en été, Popzero soirées, FWF soirées, Thunderdouf soirées, reggae soirées in general, Muziek Publique soirées, open festivals in the summer, ... ** outside Brussels: soirées at Vooruit de Gand, at Decadance in Ghent, Stubnitz in Dunkirk in France. Hip-Hop look: will get you into "totally free look" places and reggae nights, but otherwise not promising.

No Look

A nothing look, no look - the advantage here is that you will get in everywhere or nowhere, depending on how you smile. So it's anyone's guess. But without wanting to upset you, even if the word 'look' may be ill chosen, everyone necessarily has an appearance of some kind. Don't any of the ones above suit you?

How do you get in everywhere?

Have an incredible wardrobe and persevere. Our recommendation is that you begin by really enjoying one or two spots for a few months and the rest of the town will fall into place by itself. [Galahad]

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Midi d’Arts² avec Axel Everaert

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