Art Nouveau weekends 2015

02 Oct 2015 - 24 Oct 2015

Art Nouveau weekends 2015

The Art Nouveau and Art Deco Biennial Event will enable the public to discover some of the city's architectural gems from the inter-war years, many of which remain relatively poorly-known. The event will stress the architectural variety of these two major styles in Brussels. While many splendid private mansions will again be opened to the public, there will also be access to schools, industrial buildings, public buildings, more modest houses, hotels and shops... This diversity of building types demonstrates the richness of the Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles as used in the Brussels cityscape.

The guided tours of these interiors will enable members of the public to understand how these buildings have been preserved, inhabited and sometimes completely changed, while remaining remarkable witnesses to this priceless heritage. Visitors can also enjoy concerts, discussions and films which will enable them to discover the many facets of these major styles in the city's architectural history.

During each weekend guided tours on foot, by coach or by bicycle will also be on offer through different districts of the Brussels-Capital Region: Ixelles, Saint Gilles, Forest, the city centre, Schaerbeek, Saint Josse-ten-Noode and many others.

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