Amaluna - Cirque du Soleil @ Brussels
10 Sep 2015 - 24 Oct 2015

There was once upon a time Amaluna, a mysterious island governed by the lunar cycles and goddesses. When the daugther of the Queen Prospera was about to become an adult, her mother decided to organize a rite of passage: a ceremony in honor to femininity, to renewal and equilibrium.
But Propera didn't stop there. She provoked a major storm, which brought to the island of Amaluna a group of young men... The daugther's heart melted for one of them. But will their love overcome all the obstacles ahead of them? Will they find the way to mutual trust.
The word Amaluna is the contractation of ama, mother, and luna, moon, which symbolizes the femininity alluding to both the relationship mother/daughter and the notiong of protective star of our planet. Amaluna, the mysterious island created by the Cirque du Soleil.
Amaluna in Brussels
Brussels will welcome with open arms the next Cirque du Soleil sensation. For the first time, the troupe (company) is mostly made of women, as is the musicians that follow. Presales are accessible as of today via the Club Cirque (free registration) and as of February 6th via the traditional points of sale.