Your Interior from A to Z
Written by BrusselsLife Team -
23 Mar 2010, 00:00
(Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)

Spring is there and you want to change your home, give it a fee or outright invest in a total renewal! Here are our tips to advise you and accompany you throughout this metamorphosis.
My natural home
The era of over-consuming on everything is running out of steam and more and more households, with their small but daily gestures, are turning to more ecological ways of doing things. We often talk about organic food products, cosmetics or even organic cleaning products, but what about organic fittings and fixtures? Read more ...To every family its couch
Sitting comfortably without losing your style isn't always the easiest thing to do. So, before shelling out megabucks for a swanky designer sofa one should never forget to try it first. Seated of course, but if you can try lying on it as well you'll probably get a better idea. Read more ...Parquet or tiles?
A house is built from floor to ceiling. So let's start with what's under your feet ... parquet or tile flooring? The choice can be a bit ambiguous because everyone has their own tastes, opinions, and budget! Usage Parquet tends to warm up a room, so it's best for bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways ... but it's not perfect! You may want a tiled floor that is easier to maintain, and therefore better suited for common rooms such as a lounge, kitchen, or dining room. Read more ...Putting you in the now
It's not always easy to place a contemporary, modern piece in your space. And if, you had been dreaming of that piece for a long time it could be the decoration to make or break your room. Below are some ideas... Irreplacable in the home : the sofa. Say goodbye to your sofa and its palid use and make way for your new settee in modern design. Stick to your budget, be happy with just changing the tarp or using decorated cushions in the right places. Read more ...Colour Harmony And Feng Shui
Calm And Serenity Throughout The Home. Where decoration is concerned, it's all is question of taste and trend. But the use of certain colours in certain rooms of the house can bring a greater or lesser degree of positive energy, depending on how they're used. Masters of Relaxation believe that colours speak to our spirit and can influence our moods. Thus, red and its many manifestations bring energy, dynamism, force and passion. Read more ...Antiques have their day
Whether for nostalgic reasons, taste, or just a touch of old world charm, an antique style (or classic) can help an interior design. Two solutions apply : buy it new or get out the castor oil... The quickest, fastest and therefore the easiset way : buy your antiques. Bookcases, sofas, light fixtures, desks,.... Nothing really escapes the call of the seller and buyer. Read more ...It only takes one step to go from living room to terrace...
With the advent of new materials resistant to moisture and sunlight, a wide variety of garden chairs has become available. Although the traditional plastic garden furniture still remains a popular choice for those on a small budget, there is also a new trend toward designer items. Living outside is not what it used to be. The terrace has become a place where people can live comfortably and relax. To that end, three trends have made themselves apparent: colorful, luxurious, and natural. Read more ...Awnings, what are they good for?
Choosing awnings or blinds is a bit like choosing a pair of shoes. They're all pretty but they don't all fit. So what to choose... Nautical, venitian, see through or opaque? Interiors The nautical blind, the most common, is a complete decoration in its own right. If it doesn't completely obscure the light it allows for a somewhat luminous feel in a room creating a cocoon like effect. Read more ...And what if I changed my kitchen?
So, you can no longer stand the sight of your kitchen which is straight out of the 1970s? You want to introduce a more contemporary feel? Or perhaps you just can't resist the draw of those modern, open plan kitchens? A note of caution... Before you launch head long into this whole kitchen business, take the time to run through our words of advice ... Read more ...Fabrics, as far as the eye can see
Fabrics can be the basis for many types of decoration : dying, applique, tarping... They can come in linen, cotton, wool, synthetics, fur, silk... With every fabric having its own different sway and grace. Fabric is essentially lengths of thread woven together, creating one piece. It is supple, flat and agile thanks to the interwoven rigidity of the threads. Read more ...Well-being at work
When you are glued to your computer screen eight hours a day, there comes a time when your body no longer responds, or your eyesight blurs and you cannot think straight. But there are simple tips to help you feel good at work. Firstly, choose material wisely. Use a comfortable chair, and set the height so that your elbows and knees form right angles. And choose a style with arm rests. Read more ...A cocoon for your offspring
Choosing for yourself can sometimes seem like fighting your way around an obstacle course but choosing for something for someone else is a mission impossible! Here is some advice to help you decorate the room of your little monster... Playing, sleeping... - Take into account the general ergonomics of the room. Make a clear distinction between the sleeping space and the play area, which could soon become the future work area. Read more ...
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