Voting rights for foreigners

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 29 May 2006, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
Voting rights for foreigners
Voting rights for foreigners in the local elections on 8 October 2006 - Any foreign citizen living in Belgium who is not a member of a European Union member state can make a request to be enrolled on the electoral register in their commune of residence by using a form (annex to the Royal Decree of 13 January 2006) freely available from the commune offices.

To be able to vote, you must comply with the following: 1. Be on the population (or foreigners) register in the commune concerned. 2. Be aged at least 18 (by the latest on the date of the first commune elections organised after having submitted a request to be enrolled). 3. Be free from any convictions or decisions that lead to the definitive removal of voting rights in Belgium, or the suspension of such rights. 4. Provide along with the request, a declaration where the person commits to respect the Belgian laws and Constitution, and the Convention on Human Rights and of Fundamental Freedom. 5. Prove at the time of submitting the request, that their main, legal residence has been in Belgium for at least 5 years non-stop (either by showing they own a yellow – foreign resident's – card, or a white card as proof they are on the foreigner resident's register). 6. Submit their request by 1 August 2006. The final decision will be taken by the commune's joint executive committee containing the Burgomaster and councillors. For foreign residents from an EU member state, they must comply with the same rules, except 5.

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