Visionary Africa @ Bozar

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 07 Apr 2010, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
Visionary Africa @ Bozar
For the fiftieth anniversary of Congo's independence, as well as 16 other African countries, BOZAR will live the summer to the african rhythm. A large festival will propose expositions, concerts but also performances and debats !

A grand Festival like BOZAR knows how to throw them, with - the 4 exposition - a musical highlight, literature and performing arts, and artists like Rokia Traoré, Angélique Kidjo, Didier Awadi or the mythical choreographer Germaine Acogny. David Adjaye, world famous architect, designed the new Museum of African Culture and History of Washington. He's preparing the exposition with Anne-Marie Bouttiaux of the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervueren, Koyo Kouoh, founder of the centre of contemporary art Raw Material Company and Nicolas Setari, director of the project Visionary Africa. But they needed to be more ambitious than just organizing anniversary festivities! With the platform "Visionary Africa", it's a new visions of our relations with Africa that BOZAR and the Royal Museum of Central Africa are proposing.


GEO-graphics is the main attraction of the exposition. More than 230 ethnic masterpieces, from private and museum collections, will be exposed for the first time under one general theme. The last ten years have seen similar private initiatives all-over the continent. Amongst these, 8 art centres will present artists and artistic projects communing with the past.

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