Video club or game-store at home

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 11 Mar 2007, 00:00 (Updated: 29 Jul 2015, 12:42)
Video club or game-store at home
Dismal winter rainy nights... Nothing interesting on the box, friends have got a cold and you can't be bothered to go to the corner video shop. No agro necessary, there are services on the internet that combine DVD ordering and home deliveries, and also for the fans, games for any playstations.

The idea is straightforward: once registered on the correct internet site, it is possible to choose different sorts of subscription. Valid from one to six months, the subscriptions allow one to receive one to five DVDs at home. The choice is very wide with all the new releases from a catalogue spanning several hundred titles. The returns and home deliveries are free of charge and there is no fine for lateness. And, as soon as you send back the DVDs you have already seen, the new ones (from your reference list) are delivered to your home. The same principle works as well for the video games.

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