Urban Art

Going out
Written by Rédaction BrusselsLife.be - 20 Dec 2011, 00:00 (Updated: 10 Mar 2022, 11:38)
Urban Art
From 10 years, street art has been growing by leaps and bounds, filling now galleries and museums... Which makes some people shocked... While others hope this well-deserved success won't stop.

From 10 years, street art has been growing by leaps and bounds, filling now galleries and museums... Which makes some people shocked... While others hope this well-deserved success won't stop. Spontaneity is the motto of street art. Which corresponds with its absolute definition: 'each unsolicited artistic expression, therefore against the law'. Dozen of disciplines are part of this art, the most famous one is obviously graffiti, and there are also stickers, stencils, mosaic, installations...

In Brussels

Besides this trend, there are also emergent artists who do not want or do not want anymore to work outlaw. From 2005, in order to feed those needs, two galleries have opened their doors in Brussels: A.L.I.C.E. and Montana Shop. Those galleries have welcomed artists from different disciplines, such as underground strips, graffiti, etc, planning exhibitions and improving urban art. The descriptions of four artists living in Brussels show this trend, its concrete expression or its foursquare refusal. Kriss Gutierrez Cuervo

Onyx Onyx is a repentant street artist telling his long experience. At the age of 10, he was on a school trip when he saw, by the train's window, a fascinating and interesting landscape, made up of graffitis, sometimes huge and colorful, sometimes sober and silver. All those pictures captivated him, floating in his mind and will never leave it.

Tarantino Gaëtan Tarantino came to Belgium when he was 10 years and has started graffiti and tags in 1992. He is now well-known and considered, finally working legally and promoting graffiti in Brussels.

Colinjc Jean-Christophe is a made in Brussels artist, remarkable for his varied and unusual graphic worlds. His main asset is his great and unique versatility with materials and technique.

13pulsions Manuel Murillo Perdomo, aka 13pulsions has a psychology degree and is also a portrait painter. Throughout the different people he has met, he creates atypical and true fictional characters.

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