Top 10 of the lost and found objects in the STIB vehicles and stations

Written by Frédéric Solvel - 12 Jul 2021, 00:00 (Updated: 12 Jul 2021, 09:52)
Top 10 of the lost and found objects in the STIB vehicles and stations
The STIB/MIVB compiled data of 16.000 objects lost and found in their vehicles and stations across Brussels.

Results are quite... fun. These infographics show the objects that were the most lost and found, as well as the strangest objects...


Cards, bags, wallets are (logically) way ahead in the rankings of the most lost and found objects. Umbrellas and gloves also do pretty well, when it comes to being lost.

The bizarre

For instance, you may ask yourself how the owner of a leg prosthesis managed to get home after losing it. You can also imagine why the kinky owner of a suitcase full of sextoys didn't show up to claim his or her belongings. The story doesn't say whether the lost bicycle was found at the Eddy Merckx metro station. But how did someone manage to leave a frying machine full of oil in a working vehicle? Now that's a pickle, as for many stories behind some of these out of the ordinary objects...


Top 10

The most lost and found objectsThe most bizarre objects
1) CardLeg prosthesis
2) BagPrototype of a military device
3) WalletDoctor's briefcase
4) ID cardViolon
5) BooksFrying machine full of oil
6) KeysRacing bicycle
7) SmartphoneDentures (eeeeeeewww)
8) GlovesSuitcase full of sextoys
9) UmbrellaPlasma screen
10) GlassesLawyer's gown

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