Thedo @ AB

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 13 Jan 2008, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
Thedo @ AB
Favourites of our southern neighbours (the revelation of Les Transmusicales de Rennes) but the rest of Europe is gradually coming around to THEDØ's folk-rock too.

This Finnish / French duo consisting of Dan Lévy and Olivia B. Merjlahti (supplemented live by Jeremie Pontier on all sorts of strange percussion) gains their inspiration from classic and jazz and mixes both genres with folk and rock. That results in a dreamy sound, flanked on one side by the vocals of Merjlahti (which owe a debt to Björk and Joanna Newsom), and on the other by the many instruments that Lévy is apparently able to play. With a little good will we arrive at 'Calexico goes new weird folk' as benchmark. Their debut 'A Mouthful' will be released begin 2008.

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