Theaters in Brussels :: notice book

British, Irish, and American societies
In 1909, the English Comedy Club Brussels (ECC) was created and includes the British, Irish, and American theater companies. Check on their website for yearly productions.
The language of Shakespeare is alive in Brussels! Thanks to The Brussels Shakespeare Society and their rich history dating back to 1975, you can enjoy Shakespeare and other modern English playwrights while living in Brussels. However Shakespeare remains this amateur theater’s focus, having played all of his comedies at one time or another! Most of their shows take place at Bronks Theater near Sainte Catherine in the center. See their website for the program.
The jolly and upbeat Irish started up an Irish Theatre Group in Brussels. They are a welcoming group who also offer theatrical training.
Award winner at the 2013 Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies, the American Theater Company (ATC) is yet another option for English language theater in Brussels. Myriam Langford got the ATC ball rolling over 40 years ago. A top amateur theater since!
The Warehouse Studio Theatre in Schaerbeek serves the previously mentioned theatrical societies. Also, know that these companies welcome any and all nationalities. So don’t hesitate to check out their sites for ways to get involved and volunteer, no matter where you’re from!
The show goes on…
Go to Kaaitheater if you are looking for more than an English theater. They have a full schedule of dance recitals, films, performances and concerts to go along with plays in English or subtitled. Artistic, striking, and thought provoking… this theater at Place Sainctelette is something to fit into your week.
You have a preference for musicals? The Brussels Light Opera Company, the BLOC, is the biggest musical group in Brussels. And for the kids, the non-profit Green Parrot theater in Auderghem is perfect for children and adults.
And then there’s the Toone Theater at 66 rue du Marché-aux-Herbes next to the Grand Place. For a show in English, you can email or call in advance to make a reservation. You must be a group of at least 20.
A good source that combines many different Anglophone theater companies is the English Language Theatre in Brussels website. Here you can scan through upcoming shows, buy tickets online, and find links to other English theater group websites in Brussels and all over Belgium. English speaker, have a field day!

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