The Vampire Ball

Bars & Coffee Houses
Written by BrusselsLife Team - (Updated: 06 Apr 2017, 13:44)
The Vampire Ball

Calling all vampires, zombies, witches, ghouls, demons, monsters, ghosts and other creatures of the night! Come out and have a blast before the full moon arrives... 

The party will go on right through the night till dawn, when the vampires will return to their coffins and the werewolves will shed their heavy furs to become those sad office employees again with dandruff of their coats. For one night, forget your ups and downs and come and flirt with Death and his friends. The more, the scarier!


Satanic hypnotisers named Sieur PomPon et ses a(l)coolytes are at the turn tables. They attract thousands of people every year who are ready to get down and party. 


A valiant combo of make-up and costume will be mandatory to access the most coveted ball. We hope your realize that a pretty face won't get you in... Make room for the true and beautiful imagination. We are counting on you!

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