The Magic Of Tintin In Music Returns Next Summer

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 18 Dec 2006, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
The Magic Of Tintin In Music Returns Next Summer
The musical "Tintin And The Temple Of The Sun", directed by Frank Van Laecke, is returning to its native soil at the Ostend Casino from 05 July to 19 August. The version presented this summer will be the Dutch one. A language barrier that shouldn't offend spectator fans of the little reporter as the show is so wonderfully magical.

Based on the two albums, "The Seven Crystal Balls" and "The Temple Of The Sun", this family show has already enticed more than 250,000 spectators to its performances in Charleroi and Antwerp. Through musical pieces and songs, the creators plunge the spectators into the fascinating world of Hergé's imagination. All the legendary characters of his two albums will be there: Tintin, Snowy, Captain Haddock, Bianca Castafiore, Professor Calculus, Dupond and Dupont, and so on and so forth. Stéphanie Guillaume

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