Television News On Line

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 27 Sep 2006, 00:00 (Updated: 29 Jul 2015, 08:25)
Television News On Line
You didn't have time to watch the television news and have missed an important subject? Or you want to watch again a report without waiting for the repeat broadcast at midnight? Then you should know that RTL-TVI and RTBF Television News can be seen on line.

On the RTBF website, there are two possibilities: either you surf to and you will be able, with a single click, to view the previous evening's news, or you surf to, you click on the "Television News" icon on the left of the screen and you can choose to view the last three days' television news. A view that is available in low, medium or high quality but which is only accessible to Belgacom ADSL subscribers.

Information near the click

On the RTL-TVI website (, you just have to click on the RTL-Info icon and you will be offered the possibility of watching the television news of the previous week. With, just as for the RTBF, the possibility of watching a single report. The only glitch: the Internet user can access the television news of RTL-Tvi only when registered on the website and after giving his or her e-mail address. If you have no wish of seeing your in-box spammed with junk mail, say so when you register.

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