Recipe for gueuze ballekes (meatballs)

Ballekes (meatballs) à la gueuze, also called ballekes à la marolienne will make your guests drool, especially those who enjoy a good beer. It is self-explanatory to state the main ingredient is of course gueuze beer: a special mix of lambics that continue to ferment while they are in the bottle.
Ingredients for 6 people
Preparing the sauce
- Chop the 3 cloves of garlic and 3 onions. Fry them slightly in a pan with a bit of butter
- Sprinkle them with a bit of flour and mix it all
- Add the gueuze, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cassonade, thyme and the bay tree leaf
- Let it simmer while you prepare your ballekes.
Making your ballekes
- In a bit bowl, mix the minced meat (both beef and pork), the egg yolk, the breadcrumbs, milk, salt, pepper, a bit of nutmeg, thyme, parsley and the 4th onion (chopped of course)
- The time has come to make those meat balls. Put some flour in your hands so they don't stick and you have a better grip. The size depends on you: the bigger they are, they longer it will take to cook them
- Fry the meat balls on all sides in some butter
- Add your precious ballekers into the sauce and keep it simmering for at least another 30 minutes.
Bon appétit !

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