Open your own wine in the restaurant

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 14 Nov 2007, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
Open your own wine in the restaurant
Bring your own bottle of wine and open it in the restaurant? Now you can, thanks to the "Cork Fee" concept. Bring Your Own ("BYO") is the name of a curious practice that has recently appeared in the wine and food service world.

The idea? To sample your own wine in the restaurant, with the restaurateur's agreement. Born in Australia, very popular in the United Kingdom, the BYO concept is now coming to Belgium. Throughout the country, some 40 restaurants have already converted to the system. The customer can therefore bring his or her own wine to the table. In return, he or she pays the restaurateur a cork fee of at most €15. A bargain for both parties. Certain establishments set the bar much lower, or even authorise this alternative free of charge. The list of BYO restaurateurs, which will probably lengthen in the months to come, can be consulted on the website. A website that, for each restaurant, provides a detailed description and a broad range of advice for matching the wine to the dish and vice versa. Sabine Lourtie

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