Manneken Pis : L'Enfant qui Pleut

Going out
Written by Frédéric Solvel - 17 Jun 2008, 00:00 (Updated: 10 Mar 2022, 17:06)
Manneken Pis : L'Enfant qui Pleut
Manneken Pis, the boy who didn't want to be proud: the 2007 documentary by Anne Lévy-Morelle is regularly shown in Brussels and on television. This authentic epic journey in search of the mysteries of this curious symbol.

The hero of this epic is naturally the Manneken Pis and his thirty small centimeters. Well there's the paradox! While Paris chooses an iron tower of 324 meters height, New York boasts a statue with a crown inside which tourists stroll. And while China chuckles about a wall that can be seen from space, Brussels is satisfied with this chap. In order to explain this paradox, the Manneken Pis, the raining kid invites you to a friendly and sometimes tragic Brussels. You'll discover the history of a city which has the ambition of a capital, a city that carefully hides its richness and pride under a trifling aspect of a little boy who pees. Why's that? During the investigation of the past and the present, you'll get an idea of the hidden curiosities of this symbol. And why are the Brussels citizens so proud of being modest? Cause in the end, isn't it because of this modesty that our people were considered the bravest people of Gaule?

Genuine epic, kesako ?

Manneken Pis : L'Enfant qui pleut is neither a documentary, nor a fiction: it's a genuine epic. It's not a documentary because it has no resemblance to a boring academic projection that may come to mind. It's not an epic either, since the major theme of the movie centers around real Brussels history. What makes it a genuine epic is the fact that Anne Lévy-Morelle, after having documented herself, accepted the opinion of different speakers. And then she illustrated these suggestions in her own way. And the least we can say is that the result came out quite nice...

Available to see today and for several days on the RTBF Revoir site. Don't miss it! A good way to practice your French too. 


Here is the trailer:

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