Life² @ Brussels Expo

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 28 Jan 2009, 00:00 (Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
Life² @ Brussels Expo
Life², the health and better-living show, will be welcoming the world and his wife on 13, 14 and 15 March next within the immense arena of Brussels Expo for a new version entirely dedicated to family well-being.

Buoyed by its previous success, this year the organisation has decided to focus on family well-being. Organised in collaboration with the Politique des Familles ministry, the show will offer a family-oriented itinerary where you will be able to take part in workshops such as cookery lessons for all, a great vegetables quiz, a session with a dietician, an anti-sunburn workshop, family sports, and so on and so forth


Within this family milieu, the ?FAMIBOOM? Centre will inform you about the various forms of assistance that are available, and about what you should do to improve your daily life. You will even be able to put your questions directly to the Ministers in attendance, Melchior Wathelet, Secrétaire d'Etat aux Familles and Joëlle Milquet, Ministre de l'Emploi, and to receive information that will be specifically relevant to your family. Four other centres will also be available for you:


BEAUTY & WELLNESS, where beauty and well-being professionals will be on hand to let visitors discover various innovations in terms of aesthetics, care products, treatment or prevention techniques in relation to cellulite, ageing of the skin, depilation, and so on, and to test them at will at several promotional stands and in several workshops.


If you would like to lose a few pounds, reduce your cholesterol level, include more fruit and vegetables into your diet or test yourselves on various kinds of recipes. The FOOD & COOK Centre will let you experiment to your heart?s desire!


The MEDICAL & PHARMA Centre offers a combination of patients associations, pharmaceutical laboratories and drug companies in order to raise visitors? awareness of the various means of prevention and care. A pass issued free at the entrance encourages visitors to take part in various awareness-raining tests and identifies all of the places where tests can be taken as well as an area for noting the various results. SPORT & MOVE The SPORT & MOVE Centre, as its name suggests, devotes its workshops and promotions to sports activities that will help you to move more or better. If you?re eager for the advice or opinions of professionals, various sports federations and sport and fitness clubs, as well as some local associations, will be there to put you in the picture. Organised in French and Dutch throughout the day, the Life² Show is addressed to everybody, families and single people, the young and the not so young, who would like to learn about the art of well-being from day to day or simply to do themselves some good for the duration of a weekend.

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