Latitudes Lille/Bruxelles - Daniel Linehan, Zombie Aporia
Nightlife & Parties
Written by BrusselsLife Team -
28 Sep 2011, 00:00
(Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)
For the third time we are hosting a hybrid contemporary dance company within our walls, latitudes lille/bruxelles is a matter of questioning. Challenging our usual ways of seeing things.
How does a work change in the course of history ? What uses should be permitted and what value attributed to a particular object ? How is the body influenced by the music and vice versa ? What is an interpreter ? And what if we could change or revolutionize the performer-spectator relationship ? Latitudes lille/bruxelles, or art and contemporary dance as an antidote to various forms of alienation and preconceived ideas !
A concert, decibels and vibrations. Zombie Aporia is a 3-dancers performance that seeks to discover possibility within apparently impossible contradictions : music that is the result of dancing, emotional expression that begins physically, spontaneous feelings that are designed, words that give more of a sense of vibration than meaning.
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