Irrésistible by Grand Marnier
Written by BrusselsLife Team -
24 Nov 2009, 00:00
(Updated: 13 Dec 2012, 07:59)

Grand Marnier, it is this splendid and delicious orange liquor which is a world success for more than one century. But Grand Marnier proposes also summer cocktails for a few years now. Always in tune with its time, Grand Marnier launches a new cocktail baptized Irrésistible for this winter...
Created in 1880, the French liquor Grand Marnier is a perfect mix between exotic oranges and cognac. If it preserved its original attributes (such as its bottle, its red ribbon, its ivory label or its Gothic letters), Grand Marnier doesn't stop modernizing its image and doesn't miss any occasion to give the tendency and to answer expectations of its consumers!
Irresistible, dressed in red sparkling moments for malicious
Irresistible, as a chewable edition
Irresistible, delicious cocktails and surprisingly
Irresistible, the most irresistible limited editions
Irresistible, the seal of Grand Marnier ® since 1880
The Irresistible Edition is the 7th limited edition bottle of Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge ®. Its unmistakable silhouette is adorned by a shiny red lacquer. Invitation to celebrate the holidays with elegance, for a taste of adventure, a mild dissent and refined. Under its shiny varnished lurks always the unexpected pleasure of the Grand Marnier ® liqueur born of the union of fine cognacs aged in oak barrels and bitter orange. This liquor is traditionally relishes pure sublime but also by its unique aroma, many cocktails. As this "irresistible", created especially for this limited edition, which, in its tart flavor, will make your evening of enchanting moments. Ask your eye on it. Find this bottle in its purest form, discrete blueprint which reveals the deep red of his umière. Do not miss the seal, put candy, like a sugar decoration sign their works with great pastry. Also note the name Grand Marnier ® writes "color strawberry sorbet" background "red apple of love" ... Clin d'oeil a brand that knows how to stay discreet, as the bottle speaks for itself and the fact with spirit, a spirit so still and today.
Irresistible, delicious cocktails and surprising
At the end of the year, new gourmet delights are revealed so why not accompany this cocktail "Irresistible"? To prolong the afternoon *140 ml with ice *30ml of Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge ® *60ml strawberry juice *40ml apple juice *10ml of lemon juice As an appetizer, 90 ml ice-free *30ml of Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge ® *30ml strawberry juice *20ml apple juice *10ml of lemon juice
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