Horse-drawn collection: draft horses to pick up our rubbish

A little history
Appeared around the 18th century and from a powerful and large breed, draft horses are commonly used to tow vehicles and various materials. On our continent, they were initially chosen to perform military and agricultural activities as well as other services, such as transporting people. Following the development of the railways and public transport, their use has become obsolete. Their breeding is then oriented towards a goal of human consumption. It's only since the 90s that they are used again in the context of horse riding and driving.
Benefits at different levels
This type of garbage collection makes it possible to equate the horse with contemporary issues such as sustainable development. Unlike traditional garbage collection, horse-drawn collection pollutes less and encourages citizens to respect the environment. From an economic point of view, it generates less expense, especially in the maintenance of the horse that is less expensive than that of a garbage truck or other gear. Moreover, this type of initiative intrigues both children and adults, who do not hesitate to take out their smartphone to take a picture and get in touch with the workers who accompany the horses.
Suitable for use in the city, the device allows horses to carry heavy loads and stop regularly safely. There is also a period of adaptation to allow animals to discover their new environment in optimal conditions. During this period, the loads to be towed are less important and the working time of the horse is reduced.
It's happening in Brussels
The first municipality in Brussels to opt for horse-drawn collection, Schaerbeek now has three draft horses. Installed in Josaphat Park, they travel daily to collect some of the garbage.
If you have been walking in the Fôret de Soignes recently, you may have already seen the six horses and two donkeys, who have recently been busy picking up the many bins that are there.
Be attentive and do not hesitate to take a small picture of this new moment!

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