Help To Create The First World Version Of Monopoly

Written by BrusselsLife Team - 10 Feb 2008, 00:00 (Updated: 25 Jul 2013, 13:38)
Help To Create The First World Version Of Monopoly
The famous Monopoly board is becoming even more international. A world version is currently on the drawingboard. Something new: Internet users can choose the cities that will be featured on the board. For that, you just have to visit the website below and then follow the instructions.

68 major cities from all parts of the world have been selected. Participants can also add any city that they wish to the panel and vote for it. Each Internet user can vote for his or her ten favourite cities each day. The twenty preselected cities that get the most votes will be incorporated into the game. Brussels is one of the preselected cities but at the moment not getting enough votes to feature in this special version. Paris, London and Honk Hong are currently at the head of the list with Brussels way down in 35th place. To change this ranking, you now know what you have to do: vote! NB: the vote closes on 29 February. Stéphanie Guillaume

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