We all know that we should exercise more, but we all have a good reason to start the next week! You say you don't have the time, a membership is too expensive, not really your "thing"... Take advantage of the pretty weather to get moving again! And the Friskis & Svettis exercise sessions are free! Try out this Swedish method...
Friskis & Svettis will reconcile you with the physical exercise: they are relaunching their outdoor summer sessions. So head to the Cinquantenaire Park across from the Royal Military School, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm until the end of August. Stay in shape all summer thanks to the Swedish method!
Fitness classes aren't really your thing? Try jogging instead. The startin point is always the same but the days are different. Meet on Mondays and Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30 pm under the arches at the Cinquantenaire.

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