Terracotta Army Exhibition @ Bourse

The travelling TERRACOTTA ARMY exhibition allows visitors to admire the last great archaeological discovery of the 20th century after that of the tomb of Tutankhamun: the terra-cotta army of the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang.
Reconstitution, diorama...
In Brussels, over an area of more than 800 m², visitors can contemplate the spectacular reconstitution, to the original scale, of more than 150 warriors, horses and chariots and the pit in which they were found. Around the pit, a stunning colour diorama will be projected over 300 m³. It gives an exact idea of the enormous size of the archaeological site in which the mausoleum is buried. Visitors will also be able to see a "son & lumière" (sound and light) show telling the story of the first Emperor of China and his army, as well as a documentary recounting the fascinating history of the archaeological discovery of the necropolis. More than 70 fantastic replicas will also be shown in display cases: warriors, horses, arms, jewels, everyday tools, art works of the era ... and 7 larger-than-life reconstructed statues. Very large-sized images accompanied by explanatory texts will complete this extraordinary exhibition, which is entertaining but also educational and intended for a wide audience.

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