Edmunds: the Brussels brand "for real men only"

Edmunds is a young Brussels brand created in late 2014 by Camille and Matthieu. Camille's training is interior designer and Matthew has a degree in marketing.
In her room with her parents, Camille made bow ties for her friends from time to time. One day, Matthew asked him to make him a bespoke one who did not find the pattern he liked in store.
Camille and Matthieu thought that there was a niche sector in the middle of the 100% Belgian bow tie! They decide to launch the adventure "Edmunds" at the end of 2014 in addition to their respective work. The couple made the Christmas markets to make themselves known and was a real success. Thanks to the money raised, they were able to develop their website and their e-shop.
In 2015, they decide to produce with their own hands a large amount of bow tie with original patterns. Matthew had to help Camille at the sewing machine but he was more effective at marketing and finances. Since 2014, Camille and Matthieu have financed this project themselves. Many concept stores in and around Brussels are starting to sell their products.
2016 was a pivotal year as these young entrepreneurs left their jobs to launch Edmunds as a SPRL. At this moment, the story is accelerating! Edmunds launches a first collaboration with Nuance Infuse to create original patterns for their bow ties.
That same year, Camille and Matthieu started a tailor-made service for weddings ranging from bow-tie to cover and tie. On the e-shop, customers see bibs on the stove.
Following the growing success of Edmunds and the evolution of the range, Camille and Matthieu have used workshops in Belgium that help professional reintegration to help them in production.
But who is Edmunds?
Edmunds comes from the name of Camille's parrot, Monsieur Edmond. Matthieu and Camille wanted to give a family touch to this company formed by this couple. Unfortunately the domain name ".be" was already taken ... The reflection followed are running to get to Edmunds!

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