What is it?
Dropbox is an application, compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. You can download it for free at Dropbox, and use it to access your documents, photos and videos wherever you are. All of the files uploaded into your Dropbox folder are stored on a secure website (which you can also access offline) and you can share them with any other computer that has Dropbox.
No more interminable flows of emails between computers! It's a way to give other people access to photos and documents you want to share, effectively by saving files that they can access on their computers...
You can also download the application onto your phone, giving you instant access to your files wherever you are. You can check any modifications or deletions, and file data is transferred via an encrypted channel to make it more secure.
How much is it?
It's free! Obviously, storage space is limited (to 2GB) but for a monthly fee of $9.99 or $19.99 you can subscribe to professional versions which have 50 to 100 gigabytes of storage space for your files.
Add your friends
You can increase your storage space by inviting friends to join: you receive a bonus for each person who accepts. Basic account users get a bonus of 250MB for each new user and you can increase your capacity by up to 8GB, giving you a total of 10 gigabytes of storage space. Professional accounts receive 500MB extra per new user and can earn up to 16GB of extra space. Students can also get up to 16GB and double their credit for references (500MB) simply by submitting their email address. Cécile Valero

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