Do you speak the language of flowers ?

After having read the following article, you won't offer flowers the same way again. You will compose your bouquets so carefully as to never create any misunderstanding, false hope or disappointment again.
True Love
Unable to find the right words for the one you love ? The red rose option is, of course, unavoidable. The message to your love will be crystal clear. If you prefer to declare your flame more subtly, you should know that every rose has a different meaning.
Not as widespread but certainly as efficient the tulip suggests extreme, sincere, even crazy love. Your choice of colour is equally important to add some subtlety to your message ...
You secretly love someone but your shyness is paralyzing you ? Try a bouquet of violets to display your love : "I secretly love you." With white lilacs , you can show a budding and innocent romance : "Let us love each other my dear, I dream of holding you in my arms."
If you are looking for love without commitment, offer to the object of your desire a bouquet of eglantines: "You are charming, let's enjoy the present moment."
If you want to show your loyalty, white daisies picked from the garden will say, "I will never betray your love, sweetheart. I will love you until your last breath. "
Repudiation and breakdown
If unfortunately you could not keep your word and you lost your way on the road to infidelity, give your girlfriend a bouquet of clematis : "Oops, I'm guilty of deception". Your other half will then repay you with the famous bouquet of nettles: "Your cruelty knows no bounds" followed by some anemones : "Leave, you insolent, I never want to see you again. It's over. "
You can cover her all you want with beautiful black tulips : "Since you left, my life is a desert haunted by remorse!" But nothing will change your fate...
Your ex-fiancee is now the target of new and inspired seducers. Just the knowledge of thinking of her being covered with roses drives you crazy with jealousy. You make it known to her by composing a bouquet of cyclamens, crocuses and dandelions : "I am beyond jealous." By enhancing your gift with a few brambles , you shout out your sorrow: "My heart bleeds, what injustice to see you in the arms of another" ...
Fortunately, time heals wounds. You have decided to not let yourself get beaten up. Besides, another girl in bloom has caught your eye and you burn for desire once again.
You compose a huge bouquet of white daffodils to make her understand your desire for pure love, "I can not wait for you." For the most ardent among you, fuchsias or hibiscus will pass an unequivocal message: "Your body is a fire that ignites my senses" ... And for those who lack any shame, opt for red peonies, foxgloves, poppies, or orchids ... Regout Olivia

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