Discover how the European Parliament and Europe work

Experience the European Parliament as never before
Twenty-eight member states, seven institutions, 751 Members of the European Parliament - the European Union can be a tough nut to crack. Not so in the Parlamentarium.
Who works in the European Parliament? What impact does it have? How can you make your voice heard? Through a whole range of high tech supports, this visitors centre tells you all about it and more.
The Parlamentarium walks you through how European countries have worked closer together since 1945, from post-war problems to current challenges. You can find out about how laws are made in a 360° cinema, travel the continent on the giant interactive floor map or discover how European legislation affects your daily life. An audio guide allows you to visit at your own pace and to choose your language.
A visit normally takes around 90 minutes. Two special tours make the Parlamentarium more accessible to children aged 6-10 and 10-14, in a fun and interactive way. Ask at the entrance for the children’s activities.
Place du Luxembourg 100, open 7/7, free of charge, multimedia guides available in the 24 EU languages, booking only for groups 10+, 90 mins

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