YES BUT Clichés about biking in Brussels

Written by Frédéric Solvel - 01 Jun 2021, 00:00 (Updated: 01 Jun 2021, 09:45)
Clichés about biking in Brussels
Spruce it up, and show it the world. If you still need to be convinced, read the following lines with care. You'll soon understand that, when all is said and done, the bicycle is welcome in Brussels.

Cycling is fuddy-duddy

Fuddy-duddy, the bicycle? Open your eyes. In all the cities of the world, cycling is encouraged for various reasons: for combating congestion, noise, global warming, heart disease, etc.

Cycling is too tiring

Being out-of-breath is not the same as being tired. The proof of this pudding is that doctors recommend cycling for the elderly. Once again, cycling in town is not a Tour de France against the clock.

Cycling in town is suicidal

What is dangerous, is the motorbike. On a bike, you don't go fast, so there's far more time to react in the event of a possible accident. It has been statistically proven: there are eight times more accidents involving motorbikes than bikes. Moreover, on a bike, you can choose your route more easily.

Cyclists are dangerous in traffic

Perhaps. However, cyclists don't have any protection as in a car. Which is why they have to be much more careful. On the other hand, they're more mobile, it's true. It is furthermore because the car is less so that it causes more accidents?

There aren't enough bicycle facilities

When you look at this more closely, real progress can be seen: limited one-way streets (LOWS), cycle routes, bike parks, etc. But there are still many black spots, and the authorities should realise that arrangements for cyclists are far less expensive than those for motorists!

When I park my bike, it gets stolen

You just have to avoid being negligent? Often, bicycle thefts result from negligence. Secure your bicycle with a U-shaped padlock, in a busy place, and on a fixed support.

In Belgium, it's always raining

As mentioned earlier, it doesn't rain all that often. This too has been statistically proven. And then, there's excellent protection available that can cover you from head to toe. It isn't overly elegant, but you're not asked to sit at your desk in it?

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